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Abbreviated List of Publications
"Pathway," "Brutal Night." (Poems). Slipstream. Pending.
"15October." (Poem). The Stillwater Review. Pending.
"9December; 31August; 10May." (Poems). The Sunlight Press. Rudri Patel and Beth Burrell, Editors. Pending.
"Momma." (Story). Wigleaf. Pending.
"Repast," "Here, Now." (Poems). Trajectory. Chris Helvey, Editor. Pending.
"After the Kentucky Derby." (Poem).​ Deep South Magazine. Erin Z. Bass, Editor. Pending.
"Dead." (Poem). Kentucky Monthly. Patricia Ranft, Associate Editor. February, 2025.
"Interventions." (Story). Lowestoft Chronicle. Issue #61, March 2025. Nicholas Litchfield, Editor. Pending.
"Fairy." (Story). Sheepshead Review. University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. Winter 2025. Pending.
"At Yaddo," "The Can." (Poems). Bodega Magazine. Melissa Swantkowski, Prose Editor. February, 2025.
"Getting On." (Poem). The Temz Review. Issue 29. December 2024. Amy Mitchell and Aaron Schneider, Editors. ​
"Hiking Photo." (Poem). Route 7 Review. December 2024.​
​"Detour," "Watching the Future." (Poems). Bronze Bird Review. November 2024.
"Page." (Poem). The Shore. www.theshorepoetry.org Issue 23. Autumn 2024.​
"Sleight of Hand." (Poem). Tipton Poetry Journal. Issue #61. Summer 2024. Barry Harris, Editor.
"Reminders." (Story). White Wall Review. April, 2024. Sophie Charalambous, Fiction Editor.
"Nietzsche." (Poem). Black Poppy Review. April, 2024. Sandy Benitez, Editor.
"Scarecrow." (Story). The Argyle Literary Magazine. David Estringel, Editor-in-chief. March, 2024.
"Horn." (Story). Bridge Eight. www.bridgeeight.com. May, 2024.
"Punks." (Story). Still: The Journal. Julia Watts, Fiction Editor. #44. Winter, 2024.
"Skip." (Poem). Jarfly Magazine. Ian C. Williams, Editor. February, 2024.
"Tonight." (Poem). Chiron Review. Issue #132, Spring 2024. Michael Hathaway, Editor.
"Ring." (Story). Bookends Review. August, 2024. Jordan Blum, Fiction Editor.
"Half a Lifetime." (Poem). Rye Whiskey Review. John Patrick Robbins, Editor. February, 2024.
"Lover." (Poem). Salvation South. Andy Fogle, Poetry Editor. February, 2024.
"Pierrepoint.," "Admirer," (Poems). Sho Poetry Journal. Johnny Cordova, Managing Editor. January, 2024.
"The Dark." Isotrope Magazine. Erin Brewer, Editor. December, 2023.
"James Dean Marries at Seventy." (Story). Quarter Press. Pending.
"1972." (Poem). Tipton Poetry Journal. Fall 2023. Barry Harris, Editor.
"The Art of Mercy: New and Selected Poems." (Book). Holm Press. Dasya Zucarello, Publisher. Johnny Cordova, Editor.
"Squirrel." (Story). Reed Magazine, Issue 156. Lana La Framboise, Fiction Editor. May, 2023.
"The Sun." (Story). Sublunary Review. Elena Malkov, Fiction Editor. September, 2023.
"The Man on the Raft." (Poem). eighteenseventy.poetry.blog July, 2023. Jacklyn Henry, Editor.
"Well, You're Dead." (Poem). Straylight Literary Arts Magazine. Briana Livesay, Editor. April, 2023.
"Old People with Little Dogs," "You Cannot Say These Things Were Not Done For You," "Pertinence." (Poems). Sho Poetry Journal.
Number 3, Summer/Fall 2023. Johnny Cordova and Dominique Ahkong, Editors.
"'55 Chevy, Inline Six." (Story). Front Range Review. Spring, 2023. Kirstie Baer, et al, Editors.
"Two Black Eyes and a Rabbit Fur Coat." (Story). Gambling the Aisle. Patrick Kelling and Jenna Park, Editors. May, 2023.
"Untuned." (Story). The River. www.sandyriverreview.com. April, 2023. Venus Wright and Joshua Hoffman, Editors.
"Dinner at Ed's," "Strange." (Poems). Steam Ticket. University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse. Volume 26. Spring 2023.
"B.C.," "Fallow." (Poems). Ann Arbor Review. Pending.
"Crossing Wren," "Peas," "When You're Old (VII)," "When You're Old (VIII)." (Poems). Issue 24, Spring 2023. Trajectory. Chris Helvey, Editor.
"Beating Back the Night." (Poem). Evening Street Press Review. Autumn, 2023. Barbara Bergmann, Editor.
"Dennis Cooper Racing Stables," "Midnight at the Quarterpole Bar and Lounge." (Poems). A Sarabande Anthology of Louisville Poets.
Joy Priest, Editor. June, 2023.
"Man as Cartoon," "Asphalt." (Poems). Aji Magazine. Issue 18, Spring 2023. Erin O’Neill Armendarez, Editor-in-Chief. Pending.
"All The Cool Kids." (Poem). Black Coffee Review. David M. Taylor, Editor. March, 2023.
"Sketching the Terminus." (Story). www.halfhourtokill.com March, 2023.
"Culling." (Poem). Kentucky Monthly. February, 2023.
"Trailer Park, Valdosta, Georgia, 1983." (Poem). Trailer Park Quarterly. Dan Crocker and Rebecca Schumejda, Editors. June, 2023.
"After the Plague," "Encouragement," "All That I Have Done." (Poems). New World Writing Quarterly. January 2023. Frederick Barthelme, Editor and Publisher.
"Mute." (Story). Spillwords. January, 2023. Spillwords.com
"Fancy." (Story). The Bookends Review. December, 2022. Jordan Blum, Editor-in-Chief. Jen McConnell, Fiction Editor.
"Penulitmate." (Poem). Ripe Literary Journal. Issue Two. September, 2022. Leeor Margalit, Poetry Editor.
"Gone," "One More Night," "Long Form." (Stories). Typehouse Magazine. Vol. 9, No. 3, Issue 26. Val Gryphin, Editor.
"Clockwork." (Story). The Rye Whiskey Review. John Patrick Robbins, Editor. August, 2022.
"The Last Ones." (Poem). Bluepepper: Poetry with Bite. Justin Lowe, Editor. July, 2022.
"The Boy From Owsfield, Kentucky." (Story). The Twinbill: A Literary Baseball Journal. Bryan St. Amand, Fiction Editor. July, 2022.
"There is Still Time." (Poem). Antipoetry Magazine. Issue 2, June 2022. Jeanna Paden, Editor.
"Dexterity." (Poem). The Coachella Review. Summer, 2022. Yennie Cheung, Executive Editor.
"Dream State." (Story). Fiction International. Harold Jaffe, Editor. Issue 55, October, 2022
"Two Days Off." (Story). Call Me {Brackets}. University of Alabama Creative Writing Program. May, 2022.
"BK," "Empty." (Poems). North Dakota Quarterly. Spring/Summer 2022.
"I Am Trying to Save Your Life." (Story). LEON Literary Review. Lisa Trudeau, Laurie Rosenblatt, Editors. April, 2022.
"Lottery Winner." (Poem). Sheila-na-gig. March, 2022. Hayley Mitchell Haugen, Editor.
"Sic Terminus." (Poem). Mason Street Review. February, 2022. Celeste Schantz, Editor.
"Untuned." (Story). Opossum: A Literary Marsupial. Rima Ruhman, Editor. Pending.
"Megan," (Story), "When You're Old (V)," (Poem), "Plywood Methhead Jesus," (Poem). Literary LEO 2022.
"Cinema." (Prose). Barely South. Volume 13.1. Fall, 2021. As Robert "E." Penick.
"Dependency," "Flood," "General Accounting." (Stories). Ligeia Magazine. www.ligeiamagazine.com. Fall, 2021.
"Parenthetical." (Poem). Trouvaille Review, October, 2021.
"Girl." (Story). Pif Magazine. Number 292, September, 2021. www.pifmagazine.com Alexandra Panic, Editor.
"Compleat History." (Prose Poem). Unbroken Journal, Issue 31. October, 2021 Unbrokenjournal.com. Ken Chau, Chief Editor.
"When You're Old (IV)." Poem. 805 Litmag. Stephanie Katz, Editor-in-Chief, Courtney DeSear, Poetry Editor. September, 2021.
"10." (Poem). Third Wednesday Magazine. Ann Arbor, Michigan. David Jibson, Editor. ISBN 9798465232562. September, 2021.
"Ode to the Furnace." (Essay). Lion and Lilac. Issue 6. August, 2021. Omotayo Sangofadeji and Tolu' Akinyemi, Editors.
"Obit." (Poem). Literary LEO. Louisville, Kentucky, USA. March, 2021
"Thrift Store." (Poem). Broad River Review. Volume 53. Gardner-Webb University. C.V. Davis, Editor. 2021.
"The Last Hours of Melville Snatchko," "Valentine," "All Right, Bob" (Poems) Brickplight. Jason Barber, Editor. Issue 3, Spring 2021.
" Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt; Census, Bardstown Road, Thunderstorm; Ode to the Greyhound." (Poems). The Ann Arbor Review. Fred Wolven, Editor. April, 2021.
"Don't Get Too Lost." (Poem). Alba: A Journal of Short Poetry. Harold Bowes, Editor. Issue #35, Winter 2021.
"Winter Zen." (Poem). The Bookends Review. May, 2021. Jordan Blum, Editor-in-Chief. . Steve Bellin-Oka, Poetry Editor.
"Unencumbered." (Poem) Plainsongs. Winter 2021. ps://www.corpuscallosumpress.com/plainsongs Eric R. Tucker, Editor. ISSN 1534-3820
"Duty." (Poem). Little Patuxent Review. Winter 2021. www.littlepatuxentreview.org Maryland State Arts Council.
Chelsea Lemon Fetzer, Editor. P.O. Box 6084, Columbia, Maryland, USA 21045.
"Sic Transit." (Story). Maryland Literary Review. December, 2020. Nathan Leslie, Editor.
"Personals." (Poem). Welter. University of Baltimore. December, 2020.
"Rusted Red Tilt-a-Whirl." (Story). San Antonio Review. December, 2020.
"Wicked," "Storm." (Poems). The Wild Word. November, 2020. www.thewildword.com Kusi Okamura, Editor-in-Chief.
"Funny." (Poem). Ghost City Review. October, 2020. www.ghostcitypress.com. Justin Karcher, Editor-in-Chief.
"Artifact," "Heal," "This Cafe of Solitary Souls." (Poems) Ann Arbor Review. Issue 24, Fall, 2020. Fred Wolven, Editor.
"Get a Tattoo, Charlene." (Poem). West Trade Review. Charlotte, NC, USA. July, 2020. Ken Harmon, Editor.
"Semper Noel." (Story). The Rye Whiskey Review. www.ryethewhiskeyreview.blogspot.com. December, 2020.
"When You're Old (I)", "When You're Old (II)", "Veer." (Poems). Piker Press. www.pikerpress.com Fall, 2020.
"68th Birthday Poem." (Poem). Oxford Magazine. Miami University. Issue 44, June 2020. Joe Squance, Editor.
"The Little Drunkards," "Not the Summit." (Poems). K'in Literary Journal. June, 2020. Mary Carroll-Hackett, Editor.
"You Already Know." (Poem). Sheila-Na-Gig. Volume 4.4, Summer 2020. Hayley Mitchell Haugen, Editor.
"Self-Promotion." (Story). Fewer Than 500. Fewerthan500.com. Ritta M. Basu, Editor. May, 2020.
"Foster Child," "New." (Poems). The Round Table Literary Journal. Volume 54, Fall 2020. Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Caitlin Chester and Elizabeth Burton, Editors.
"Your Future, Burning." (Poem). Chrysanthemum 2020 Literary Anthology. Goldfish Press. Seattle, Washington. ISBN 13:981-1-950276-00-4. Koon Woon, Editor.
"The Price of Kindness." (Story). Adelaide Literary Magazine, Number 36. Stevan Nikolic, Editor. May, 2020.
"Purchase." (Poem). Apple Valley Review. Vol. !5, Number 1. Spring 2020. ISSN 1931-3888. Leah Browning, Editor. www.applevalleyreview.com
"Yield." (Story). Scribble Literary Journal. Volume 2, Issue 6. July, 2020. www.scribblelit.com Jae Johnson and Stephanie Katz, Editors
"Prize." (Poem). Mason Street Review. April, 2020. www.masonstreet.org Newark, New York, USA.
"Duel," "Fall," "Things (Poems). McKinley Review, Issue 8. Spring, 2020. Adam Zhou, Editor-in-Chief.
"Respite." (Poem). Tar River Poetry Review. Volume 59, Number 2. Spring 2020. ISSN 0740-9141. Luke Whisnant, Editor.
"Carousel." (Poem). Literary Heist, March 2020. www.literaryheist.com Ryan Brinkhurst, Editor.
"Vacation." (Story). Cherry Tree: A National Literary Journal. Issue Six. ISSN: 2372-9791. Lindsay Lusby, Managing Editor.
"Midnight at the Quarterpole Bar and Lounge," "Pilgrim." (Poems). January Review: A Journal of Poetry. March, 2020.
Simon Anton Nino Diego Baena, Editor.
"Oppenheimer Spoke,'" "Flies" (Poems) Slipstream #39. Fall, 2019. ISSN: 0749-0771. Robert Borghatti, Dan Sicoli, and Livio Farallo, Editors.
"The Things We Don't Get Over." (Poem) Chestnut Revew Volume 1, Number 1, Summer 2019. www.chestnutreview.com ISSN 2688-0342 James Rawlings, Editor, Melissa Parnell, Poetry Editor.
"Day 63." (Story). Panoply, Issue 13, Summer/Autumn 2019. www.panoplyzine.com Jeff Santosuosso, Editor.
"Corpse." (Story). Open: Journal of Arts and Literature. February, 2019. www.ojalart.com Cutter Streeby, Executive Editor.
"Swagger," "Grace to Go," "Camp Hemingway." (Stories). And So Yeah, Volume 6. www.andsoyeah.com February 2019.
"Cabron." (Story). White Wall Review. Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. www.whitewallreview.com Lauren Kirshner, Editor. January, 2019.
"Mistake." (Poem). Tule Review. 2019. ISSN 2375-3471. Sacramento, California. Allie Gove, Editor-in-Chief.
"23 August." (Poem). Isacoustic* www.isacoustic.com February, 2019. Barton Smock, Editor.
"The night keeps to itself"; "Practice"; "What Every High School Senior Should Know." (Poems) Sheila-Na-Gig online, Volume 3.3, Spring 2019. Hayley Mitchell Haugen, Editor.
"Island;" "Seven Days Sober." (Poems) From the Edge Poetry Magazine. January, 2019. www.fromtheedgepoetrymagazine.com Fiona Sinclair, Editor.
"The Orphans." (Story) Literary Heist. December, 2018. www.literaryheist.com Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Ryan Brinkhurst, Editor.
"Patient Zero." (Story). Bull & Cross #19. October, 2018. www.bullandcross.com Dan Julian, Editor.
"Scare." (Poem) Stoneboat Literary Journal. Issue 9.1 Fall, 2018. Lisa Vihos, Katie Amundsen, Poetry Editors.
"We're So Sorry." (Story) Whale Road Review. www.whaleroadreview.com Issue 13. Winter, 2018. Katie Manning, Editor.
"Wilson." (Story). 805 Lit + Art. Volume 4, Issue 4. www.805lit.org ISSN 2379-4593. Bradenton, Florida. Stephanie Katz, Editor.
"What to Do When the Night is Done with You." (Poem). 2018. The Meadow. ISSN 0886-8654. Lindsay Wilson and Rob Lively, Editors.
"Cocker's Best Chance." (Story) And So Yeah. www.andsoyeah.com Issue #4. Summer 2018.
"Floating." (Story) Soundings East Literary Journal. Volume 40, Spring 2018. Salem State University. Cathy Fahey, Managing Editor.
"Nice." (Story) Indiana Voice Journal. www.indianavoicejournal.com Issue #39 May/June, 2018 Janine Pickett, Editor.
"The Electric Suit." (Story) Hawaii Pacific Review. www.hawaiipacific.org Patrice M. Wilson, Editor. May, 2018.
"Coda." (Poem) Five Willows Literary Review. http://fivewillowsliterarysociety.blogspot.com/ Koon Woon, Editor. April, 2018.
"Safe." (Story). Gravel: A Literary Journal. May, 2018 www.gravelmag.com
"Oh." (Story). The Corvus Review. www.corev.ink Spring/Summer 2018
Ghost." (Story). Gambling the Aisle. www.gamblingtheaisle.com Jenna Park, Editor. March, 2018.
"Aerie." (Story) The Olive Press. www.theolivepresslit.com Jill Gerard, Editor. February, 2018.
"Motivation." (Story) Panoply. www.panoplyzine.com Jeff Santosuosso, Editor. January, 2018.
"Fatality." (Story). Flatbush Review. www.flatbushreview.com Issue #3 Margot DeSalvo, Brian P. Katz, and Eben Wood, Editorrs.
"You Are Never Going to Get an Apology From This World." (Story) Literary LEO. February 7, 2018.
"The Empty Poet." (Story) The Big WIndows Review. Thomas Zimmerman, Editor. Online December, 2017. Print February, 2018.
"The Blue." (Essay) Echo, Journal of Non-Fiction. ISSN 2574-4569 Henry Scully, Editor.
"It's Always Monday." (Story) 4th & Sycamore. December, 2017. fourthandsycamore.com Amanda Rodeheffer-Olson, Editor.
"Night." (Story) Taxicab Magazine. www.taxicabmag.com November, 2017
"Exit, Stage Left." (Poem) Rockvale Review. Issue One. November, 2017. www.rockvalereview.com Brentwood, Tennessee. Sandy Coomer, Editor.
"You and Freud in the Middle of the Night." (Story) Postcard Poems and Prose. October, 2017. www.postcardpoemsandprose.wordpress.com Christy Miron, Editor
"Matters of Principle." (Story) Oddball Magazine. October, 2017. www.oddballmagazine.com Jason Wright, Editor.
"Anna and Molly." (Story) Foliate Oak Literary Magazine. October, 2017. www.foliateoak.com McKenzie Jones, Editor.
"Grandmother, Coney Island Bus Line, July 27th, 1992." (Story) Indiana Voice Journal. September/October 2017. Issue #36
Anderson, Indiana. Janine Pickett, Editor.
"Smiley's Victory." (Story) Literary Heist. September, 2017. www.literaryheist.com Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Ryan D. Brinkhurst, Editor.
"Slice." (Story) The Remembered Arts Journal. Fall, 2017. www.rememberedarts.com Elise Matich, Editor
"Midnight Run to Nacagdoches." (Story) Westview. Southwestern Oklahoma State University. Volume 35, Issue 1. Summer, 2018.
Amanda Smith, Editor. Pending.
"Sapling." (Story) Gravel: A Literary Journal, September 2017. University of Arkansas at Monticello. Karen Weyant, et al, Editors.
"Two Dollars to Show." (Story) Bull + Cross. Issue 4, July 2017. bullandcross.com Daniel R. Julian, Editor.
"Submerged." (Poem) Aji Magazine, Issue 6, Spring, 2017 Alamogordo, New Mexico. Erin O'Neill Admendarez.
"The One." (Story) Gambling the Aisle, April 2017. gamblingtheaisle.com Jenna Parks, Editor.
"Procession." (Poem) The Remembered Arts Journal, Spring 2017. Elise Matich, Editor.
"Income." (Story) Funnyinfivehundred.com, March 31st, 2017. David Gregory, Editor.
"All Night Radio." (Story) Bridge Eight Literary Magazine, Issue 5. Jacksonville, Florida. Erica Dawson and Jeff Parker, Editors.
Jared Rypkema, Publisher.
"Game Called with the Score Tied." (Poem) Have Your Chill, Issue January 2017, Donnithorne Street Press. Melbourne, Australia.
Pete Spence, Editor
"This Particular Dawn." (Poem) Gyroscope Review, Issue 17-1, Winter 2017, gyroscopereview.com Constance Brewer, Kathleen Cassen Mickelson, Editors.
"Forecast." (Poem) Apricity Magazine, December 2016. apricitymagazine.com Margaret Siu, Editor-in Chief.
"Recovery," "Reminder." (Poems) work to a calm, Issue 11, October 2016. www.worktoacalm.wordpress.com Nastia Lenkova, Editor.
"Busy Hands, Devil's Workshop." (Story) The First Line, Volume 18, Issue 3, Fall 2016. ISSN 1525-9382 David Labounty, Editor.
"Connection." (Story) Four Ties Lit Review August, 2016. Issue Five, Volume One. www.fourtieslitreview.com Matthew W. Larrimore, Editor
"The Bright Side." (Story) Postcard Poems and Prose July, 2016. www.postcardpoemsand prose.wordpress.com Christy Miron, Editor
Elizabeth Stark, Art Director Dave Morehouse, Founding Editor
"Crucifix." (Story) Gambling the Aisle April, 2016. www.gamblingtheaisle.com Denver, CO, USA. Jenna Park, Editor.
"Stammerman." (Essay) Foliate Oak Literary Magazine March, 2016 www.foliateoak.com University of Arkansas-Monticello Elizabeth Archey, Editor
"Decisions." (Story) Blue Mountain Review Issue Two. Jennifer Avery, Prose Editor
"Shoot Out the Lights." (Story) Literary LEO 2016 January 27, 2016 Louisville, KY Ron Whitehead, Editor.
"Sometimes the Smallest Thing." (Story) Burning Word Literary Journal #77 January 2016 ISSN 2161-8992, 2157-7366 Kokomo, IN
"I Keep A Close Watch On This Heart Of Mine." (Story) The MacGuffin, Volume XXXII, Number 1. ISSN 1527-2346 Schoolcraft College
Livonia, Michigan. Stepehn A. Dolgin, Editor
"Coroner's Office." (Story) Mad Swirl, January 2016. www.madswirl.com Dallas, Texas Johnny R. Olson, Editor
"The Ghost of Tammy Thompson." (Poem) Plainsongs, Volue XXXVI, Number 2 Winter 2016 ISSN 1534-3820 Hastings College Press
Hastings, Nebraska. Eric R. Tucker, Editor
"Girl, Hen, Heat Lightning." (Story) Everest Magazine. Fall, 2015. www.everest-magazine.com Sarah Sassone, Sonya Maizell, Editors
"Navidad." (Poem) Oddball Magazine. December, 2015. www.oddballmagazine.com Jason Wright, Editor.
"Talking through the Wall." (Essay) Twisted Vine Literary Journal, Fall 2015. CaseyRenee Lopez, Editor Western New Mexico University
"Hell Hath No Fury." (Story) Referential Magazine, www.referentialmagazine.org. Robin Parks, Fiction Editor
"Boneyard." (Poem) The Hudson Review, Volume LXVII, Number 4. ISSN 0018-702X Paula Dietz, Editor
"Last Letter to You." (Poem) China Grove Number 3. ISSN 2330-4882 R. Scott Anderson, Editor
"What We Called Art" (Essay) The Vellum Underground Number 2. Plano, Texas David LaBounty, Editor
"The Exhumation of Abraham Lincoln, September 26, 1901." (Poem) Footnote #1. Alternating Currents Arts Co-op. ISBN 13:978-0692479223.
ISBN 10:0692479228. Palo Alto, CA. Leah Angstman, Editor.
"Post-Punk." (Poem) Stone Boat Literary Journal. Sheboygan, WI
"Each of You." (Poem) The Cape Rock ISSN 016-2199 Susan Swartwout, Editor
"Natural Disasters." (Story) Trajectory, Issue 9. ISSN 2158-1231 Christopher Helvey, Editor
"Epitaph." (Poem) Rusty Truck Press. May, 2013. ISSN 2154-2252. Scot Young, Editor
"The Seer" (Story) Kansas City Voices, Volume 11. ISSN 978-0-96470
"Malady" (Poem) Slipstream Number 33 ISSN 0749-0771
"Traffic Stop (Story) Literary LEO, 2013. Louisville, Kentucky, USA
"Getting Sober Again," "Poem of Fright." Mochila Review.
"Kicking Goals" (Poem) Mas Tequila Review Number 4. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Richard Vargas, Editor
"Photograph of Rucker Kelly Sitting on the Front Porch." (Poem) Literary LEO 2012 Sara Havens, Editor
"Four A.M., Radio On" (Poem) Presa Number 14 Rockford, Michigan
"The Old Man at the Window" (Story) Squalorly Magazine Autumn 2012 Pete Stevens, Fiction Editor
"Taking the Phone to Bed" (Poem) Grasslimb Volume 10, Number 2 Valerie Polichar, Editor San Diego, CA
"Tuesday" (Poem) Askew Number 10. Ventura, California. Phil Taggart, Editor
"Stillwater" (Poem) Lilliput Review Number 180 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Don Wentworth, Editor
"This is the Last Day of the First of your Life (Story) Midway Journal, 2011. Ralph Pennel, Fiction Editor
"The Gentleman" (Poem) The Snail Mail Review #3. Modesto, California. Chritine Chesko, Kris Price, Editors.
"The Man Who Disappeared." (Story) Literary LEO 2010. Louisville, Kentucky, USA
"Selling Bibles" (Poem) The Licking River Review 2010 ISSN 1087=7509 Wes Crout, Editor
"Kusak Said" (Poem) Chiron Review ISSN 1046-8897 Michael Hathaway, Editor
"A Hundred Dollars a Week and the World can Kiss my Ass" (poem) Minotaur # Port Townsend, Washington Jim Watson-Gove, Editor
"What Got Him" (Poem) Quiddity Volume 2, Number 1 ISSN 1941-2606
"Anyãthing You Can't Leave Behind" (Poem) Taproot Literary Review Volume 12 ISBN 1-890269-22-0
"Drowning" (Poem) Kudzu Hazard, Kentucky Donna Sparkman, Editor
"Xmas Eve (Again)" (Poem) Free Verse #99/100 Marshfield, Wisconsin Linda Aschbrenner, Editor
"Masonry Blues" (Poem) Nerve Cowboy Number 25 ISSN 1088713x Austin, Texas Joseph Shields, Jerry Hagins, Editors
"Early March" (Poem) Oracle: A Journal of the Arts Volume 7 ISSN 1941-7896
"Retirement" (Poem) Georgetown Review Volume 9, Issue 1
"I Want You to Tell Me" (Poem) Descant Volume 46 ISSN 0011-9210 David Kuhne, Lynn Risser, Editors
"Error" (Poem) Over the Transom 17 Jonathan Hayes, Editor
"Sixteen, Seventeen, Maybe Many More" (Poem) Cokefishing in Alpha Beat Soup New Hope, Pennsylvania Dave Christy, Editor
"Remembering the Dead" (Poem) Buckle & Number 16
"Bath Day" (Poem) Bogg #73/74 ISSN 0882-648x
"Salem State Mental Hospital" (Poem) Blind Man's Rainbow Troy, Montana Melody Sherosky, Editor
"Courtney Love" (Poem) North American Review Vol. 291, Number 2. ISSN 0029-23297 Grant Tracey, Editor.
"Mia Zapata" (Poem) The Best of Intentions: The Avow Anthology. Keith Rosson, Editor. ISBN-13: 9789-0972696746//ISBN-10: 0972696741.
"Safe" (Poem) White Pelican Review Volume 2, Number 2
"Something New" (Poem) Rainbow Curve, Issue Six Las Vegas, Nevada
"Better Men Have Died in Worse Rooms" (Poem) Powhatan Review Norfolk, Virginia Steven Hewitt, Editor
"Fan Letter to Jane Kenyon" (Poem) Antietam Review ISSN 1078-0580 Hagerstown, MD
"Learning to Count to One" (Poem) Louisville Review Number 55-56
"Counting Dawns Until" (Poem) California Quarterly Volume 30, Number 2
"The First Time He Saw Her Naked" (Poem) The Haight-Ashbury Literary Review
"Bottle of Night" (Poem) Pearl Volume 33
"Blue Forms" (Poem) Churches Banks and Bars John Kusak, Editor
"Cleaning," "The End of June," "Something New," "Error." Sho. Number Two. ISSN 1539-8145. Johnny Cordova, Editor.
"Beware the Madman" (Poem) Sulphur River Literary Review ISSN 1073-5933 Austin, Texas James Michael Robbins, Editor
"Seeds" (Poem) Blue Monk New Orleans, Louisiana
"Mapmaking" (Poem) Pitchfork Austin, Texas Chris Gibson, Editor
"What He Thinks About as he Drives to Work" (Poem) Bender ISSN 1097-5578
"What Happened Saturday Night" (Poem) Lummox Journal ISSN 1525-2140 Raindog, Editor
"Whore, Walking" (Poem) Fuck! Volume 5, Number 1 Lee Thorn, Editor
"Autopsy" (Poem) Revue Microbe Pont-a-Celles, Belgium Eric Dejaeger, Editor
"Last Night at Work I Wanted" (Poem) Iodine Summer 2001 Charlotte, North Carolina Jonathan K. Rice, Editor
"Wilmington Sunrise" (Poem) 5th Gear #23 Andy Fogle, Editor
"Noon Prayer" (Poem) Ibbetson Street Press Boston, MA Doug Holder, Editor
"Just Checking" (Poem) Unwound #10 Lindsay Wilson, Editor
"Scar" (Poem) La Jete du Matin #6 ISSN 1269-0546 Dijon, France Jan Bardeau, Editor
"The Gold Days of Professor Ristau" (Poem) Black Dirt Volume 2, Issue 2 ISSN 1096-2344
"Culling" (Poem) Free Lunch #23 ISSN 1096-2344 Ron Offen, Editor
"Alcoholism" (Poem) The Brown Bottle Volume 1, Issue 1 Nathan Graziano, Editor
"Photo for Show" (Poem) Doggerel Issue 5 ISSN 1801-3632 Hattiesburg, MS Hugh Rozelle, Editor
"Davenport Tao" (Poem) Cotyledon #13 Huntsville, AL Georgette Perry, Editor
"Second Message in a Bottle" (Poem) Planet Chaos! Spring 1999 Elizabethtown, KY Ladonna Eastman, Editor
"The Way Mengele" (Poem) Brouhaha #12 New York, NY Ian Griffin, Editor
"Last Watch of the Night (Poem) Penny Dreadful Review #34 Nashville, TN C Ra McGuirt, Editor.
"Ohio Blue Tip Matches" (Poem) Midwest Poetry Review July 1998 ISSN 0745-8738 John Ottley, Jr., Editor
"Good" (Poem) Heeltap #4 Minneapolis, MN Richard Houff, Editor
"Retrospective" (Poem) The Higginsville Reader Volume 8, Number 2. ISSN 1083-5040 Three Bridges, NJ
"Thoughts on Leaving Juarez" (Poem) Fuel #22 ISSN 1080-5540 Chicago, IL Andy Lowry, Editor
"Dancer" (Poem) The Cherotic Revolutionary Vol. 1, Issue 7. ISSN 1083-8872 San Francisco, CA Frank Moore, Editor.
"Without Harmony" (Poem) Talus and Scree #3 October 1997 ISSN 1092-3489
"Rest Easy, Eddie D." (Poem) The Royal Vagrant Review Volume 1, Number 1 Chattanooga, TN ISSN 1091-434x Mark Brimm, Editor
"High Noon" (Poem) Parnassus Volume 21, Volume 1 Spring 1997 ISSN 0748-8787 Forest Park, GA Denver Stull, Editor
"Fireplace Poem" (Poem) The Plastic Tower #27 ISSN 1066-6044 January, 1997
"There is a Reason" (Poem) The White Crow Volume 3, Number 2 ISSN 1085-1518
"It Hurts Too Much to Say" (Poem) Calligraffiti Literary Journal Winter 1997 ISSN 1095-1636
"Work" (Poem) Atom Mind Volume 5, Number 17 ISSN 0004-704X Albuquerque, NM Gregory Smith, Editor
"Veronica" (Poem) Mudvein #3 Chicago, IL Stephen Loudon, Editor
"Second Poem for Christina" (Poem) Rag Mag Volume 13, Number 1 Winter/Spring 1996 Goodhue, MN Beverly Voldseth, Editor
"Laurel, Mississippi, 1983" (Poem) Joey and the Black Boots #10 February 1996 Cari Taplin, Editor
"Letting Out the Dogs (Poem) Potato Eyes Volumes 11 and 12 Nightshade Press ISBN 1-879205-64-5
"I Carry the Dead with Me (Poem) The Raspberry Reader #9 July, 1995 Panama City Beach, FL Reberiano Pena, Editor
"This Country" (Poem) Wooden Head Review #2 East Liverpool, OH Mark Hartenbach, Editor
"What is Left?" (Poem) Blank Gun Silencer #10 ISSN 1067-1005 Racine, WI Dan Nielsen, Editor
"Neighbor" (Poem) The Letter Volume 6, Number 2 Louisville, KY David Williams, Editor
"Elie Wiesel in Sarajevo" (Poem) The Pinehurst Journal Volume 4, Number 3 Milpitas, CA Michael McNamara, Editor
"1-31-93" (Poem) Dry Crik Review Volumes 3, Numbers 3 and 4 ISSN 1062-3612 Summer/Fall 1993